
This page is exclusive for technical updates in the Aquaculture and fisheries sector authored by scientists, industry experts, research students, and faculty members.

Role of Quality Control in Aqua feeds by Experts of Skretting

In aquaculture, the level of productivity and economic efficiency of farming systems are influenced to greater extent by the quality of feed delivered to animals. The nutrients delivered through the feed are essential for promoting and maintaining the animal health, production and reproduction. The quality of aqua feed influences the animal performance and, consequently, the nutritional quality of fish and shrimp meat that is been supplied to the consumer market; with a direct correlation of feed to food safety, considering that the managemental and farming practices are adequate.

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Why Seawater is Salty?

Seawater makes up the oceans and seas, covering more than 70 percent of Earth's surface. Seawater is a complex mixture of 96.5 percent water, 2.5 percent salts, and smaller amounts of other substances, including dissolved inorganic and organic materials, particulates, and a few atmospheric gases. On an average, seawater in the world's oceans has a salinity of about 3.5% (35 g/litre or 35 parts per thousand - ppt).

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Where there is Krill, there is a way

A lifeline with this powerful feed supplement which improves nutritional composition and attractability of plant- based or reduced fish meal feeds, and therefore growth and health of white shrimp.

The production of farmed shrimp is projected to grow by 5.4% between 2018 and 2021 - more than twice the recorded growth from 2012 to 2017 (Anderson et al., 2019). Despite this positive prediction, surveys identify that disease outbreaks and feed costs remain top concerns to further growth.

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Nursery System – An Emerging concept to mitigate risk in shrimp culture

The nursery phase for shrimp production was first introduced in 1974 (Parker et al., 1974)

Although, in the 1990s most farmers had reverted to direct stocking, at present again with L.Vannamei boom and multiple emerging and new disease threats the use of nurseries is on the rise.

Because a nursery phase can intersect the disease transmission and contributes to the rapid growth of the cultured organisms. Nursery system existing in India but was not in much focus till 2016 and since then attention been given to it. In the nursery phase, it is possible to manage higher stocking densities and increase the number of crops per year in shrimp farms

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Aquaculture is the fastest food producing system of world which has grown tremendously during the past few decades to meet the growing demand for aquatic food. Approximately, 25% of the animal protein requirement of the human throughout the world is from aquatic organisms. Over the years, dramaticchanges inaquaculture practices have lead tothe significant 18% increase in production per year.

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Aquaculture has lagged far behind medical research in applying genetics improvement techniques. However last 25 year was favorable period for the development of aquaculture genomics. Nutritional science has long tradition for recommending specific diets to the farmed fishes for getting more production. Nutrigenomics is the application of high throughput genomics tool in nutritional research.

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Biotic and Abiotic stressors and its diagnostic methods in fishes

Bio-monitoring is science for assessing the environmental condition which may be surrounding water or air by using biotic organism. Fish and its response are a good indicator of qualitative assessment and accumulation of chemicals in organism tissues as quantitative assessment. Most commonly used method is the Haematological technique to determine the sub-lethal effects of pollutants and it is a quick screening method as sudden changes in blood parameters due to environmental or physiological stressors.

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Goldfish breeding and care

Gold fish Carassius auratus was the first fish species reared and breed among the ornamental fishes. It has been in used in China, since 1000 BC, and remained there unknown to rest of the world for nearly 900 years until it was introduced in Japan, during 1603, followed by Portuguese during 1611. Since then Goldfish has seen great developments in strains, colors, size and shapes. Goldfish remains one of the most popular species in aquarium.

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A new ornamental fish species for export - Dwarf Panchax

Ornamental fish is an important sector of the aquaculture industry. More than 120 countries are involved in the ornamental fish trade. It is interesting to note that there are more than 1800 species of ornamental fishes in the market of which more than 1000 varieties are from freshwater region. India contributes about 1% of total ornamental fish trade.

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The expansion of aquaculture industry is a good sign to fulfill the increasing demand of fish. This development also leads to degradation of the environment due to the excess use of feed and fertilizers in the aquaculture systems. An ecofriendly technique has been identified and defined as Bioremediation to overcome this vital problem. Bioremediation is the natural or managed biological degradation of environmental pollution.

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Probiotics- a new frontier in aquaculture

The aquaculture has gathered momentum as an industry for over past few decades. The basic paradigm is increased production at almost any cost. This boom in the industry has resulted in social, economic and ecological damage. Outbreaks of viral, bacterial, protozoan and fungal infections experienced devastating economic losses worldwide in nineties of last century.

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Northern India’s Pangasius promise

Status of a fast-growing industry in northern Indian states.

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Effect of rains on Vannamei Farming

రొయ్యల చెరువులపై వర్షాలు తీవ్రమైన ప్రభావాన్ని కలుగజేస్తాయి. ముఖ్యంగా అతితీవ్రమైన ఎండలు తర్షాత వచ్చే వానలు, చెరువులోని నీటి భౌతిక, రస్తయ్న్నక, జీవసంబంధ సమతులయతను తీవ్రంగా పాడుజేస్తాయి. చెరువు యాజమానయ పద్ధతులు, అపపటివరకూ సరిగా పాటించనట్లయితే ఈ తీవ్రతలు ఎక్కువగా టంయియి.

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Right for Animals-DSM

  • Dr. Rutchanee Chotikachinda

The goal of RIGHT for ANIMALS is preventative care by getting it right for vitamins at the right stage and by strengthening the immune system to minimize the risk of the animal getting sick, reducing the need for treatment of weakened or diseased animals.

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Trout culture in Kashmir: An economical venture for young entrepreneurs May 2020

  • Shakir Ahmad Mir1

Jammu and Kashmir provides a palatable habitat for a variety of fishes due to large number of water resources and agro-climatic conditions which provides the way for the successful culture and development of fisheries sector in the state.

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Evaluation of Functional Feed Additives against Shrimp pathogens with an emphasis on Vibrio parahaemolyticus and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Litopenaeus vannamei

  • Farshad Shishehchian, Ph.D.,

Shrimp aquaculture has been dramatically affected by many pathogenic diseases, mainly caused by V. parahaemolyticus and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV).

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Effect of Water pH on the Early Life Stage of Fishes

  • Velmurugan P

In water, the determination of acid or base is related to quantity of hydrogen ions (H+). The scale for measuring the degree of acidity is called the pH scale, which ranges from 1 to 14. A value of 7 is considered as neutral, a value below 7 is acidic and above 7 is base.

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Prawn and Crab Fisheries in Tapti River – a peninsular river of India

  • Thangjam Nirupada Chanu

Freshwater prawn and crabs are important crustacean fisheries resources in inland open water which is often neglected by the researchers and policy makers unlike similar attention given towards marine and estuarine counter parts. It is reported that 118 species of prawns belonging to 14 genera and 2 families are recorded in freshwater bodies of India (Valarmathi, 2017).

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Stability improvement of aqua feed enzymes pass through pelleting temperature

  • Dr. Jesu Arockiaraj

Plant food is relatively cheaper than fishmeal, although it is similar in protein. The existence of an anti-nutrition factor is one of the major problems faced by the use of plant products in aquafeed. Dietary fibers are non-digestible carbohydrates including pectin and cellulose.

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Nucleotide Nutrition: Present Status and Prospects in Aquaculture

  • Dr. Muralidhar P. Ande

Aquaculture is the fast-growing food sector in animal nutrition, which can fulfill future food demand without compromising sustainable production. However, World aquaculture is at present facing challenges like climatic change, pathologies, the decline of marine catches, the prohibition of growth promoters, increasing the cost of raw materials etc.

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Palm Kernel Meal - An Alternative Cost-Effective Fish Feed Ingredient

  • S. Sangavi - ICAR

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector in the world and fulfills half of the animal protein requirement. Commercial fish feed accounts for about 50-60% of the total operational cost of the production system.

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